This is what we call an Eierlegendewollmichsau in Germany. Building a twin cementing unit with proper sound proofing, latest emission stage engines, 4 c-pumps, having capacities for HP iron and being below 32t to be road legal without special permissions on European roads.
Each of these twin pump cementers are equipped with 2x John Deere JD14 engines, 2x SPM Oil & Gas TWS 600S HD high pressure pumps, and 2x Allison Transmission 4700OFS, whereas on one side we have an Eaton auxiliary gearbox installed to be capable to pump low rates.
We wish Fangmann Energy Services GmbH & Co. KG luck and we hope that with these new units that they just got, they will overcome all the challenges they have at their new upcoming jobs. We thank them for the trust and business!
If your company needs as well cementing equipment, or high-pressure pumping units, we are open to listen to your requests.
For more information related to the Cementing units, please visit the following page:
Cementing Equipment